How many videos are uploaded to Youtube everyday?

August 01, 2023

Since I decided to "quit music", I have spent many days and nights grappling with the ultimate, but very typical question. "Why did I fail?". Now that I think about it, the answer wasn't too difficult and I almost feel like I was going intentionally against it to satisfy different needs other than money and fame.

Spotify uploads 100,000 new tracks every day.

That's 100,000 release parties
That's 100,000 release parties

That amounts to 36.5 million tracks uploaded every year! It also means that a new song enters Spotify almost every second. In total, Spotify has over 90 million tracks in its database. The company finished 2022 with more than 100,000,000 tracks in its catalog.

This came up with a Google search. If anyone knows anything about supply and demand, the numbers are very discouraging to anyone who are trying to make living through creating music. But hey, what about the Youtube? Everyone wants to create a youtube channel to become a content creator.

As of July 2023, more than 3.7 million videos are uploaded to YouTube daily.

Assuming only new videos are showing and you upload 1 video once every week, your video has roughly 1 in 4 million chance of being displayed on someone's youtube front page. This is almost as 4 times as high as the chance of getting struck by lighting in Canada.

my youtube front page
You don't worry about getting hit by a lighting but hoping to become a youtuber

These numbers are growing everyday as music making becomes accessible to everyone and more company moves their ad budget from traditional media to internet. It's like the time of the consumer is becoming more valuable than the content itself. The total amount of content is growing and ever accumulating faster than the number of people on the earth with limited time on their hand to watch or listen to Youtube or Spotify.

After reading "Crushing it!" by Gary Vaynerchuk (I was always late to parties throughout my life), I began to watch numbers on tweeter more carefully. When I thought 1,000 followers are most of what I have from 20 years of the music, there were many people on tweeter who are not "celebrity influencers", but still have 5 - 50 times more followers. I looked up their profile and noticed that a lot of them have careers, expertise, and/or publications (eg. music, books, movies..). People want to learn from them or about them.

Would've been better if I found this book 10 years ago, but I was probably busy practicing my pentatonic scale
Would've been better if I found this book 10 years ago, but I was probably busy practicing my pentatonic scale

Someone said not to focus on what you don't have but things that you already have. I have 1,000 followers and don't have famous work or long lines of career in AI. However, I also noticed that there are other kinds of people on my timeline with 60.7K followers and also don't have things listed above.

They are hustlers - an entrepreneur selling courses on e-commerce, 14-years-old tweeting about copywriting, a guy with 115.7k followers "publicly exploring #AI & sharing learnings". These people are crushing it and executing what they read while I'm still on the fence and being depressed about my past. I have so little to lose or disappoint anyone.

What am I passionate about? What am I genuinely excited about and love spending time on? What is that I like but at the same time, give people what they want and help them grow their health, wealth and/or relationship? and most importantly, am I ready to get off my fence and start executing it?

and is that what I really want?

진실이 말소된 페이지. Circles Quartet. kaffeehaus. 밴드못(Mot). 편의점에 피는 꽃. 이하윤.